Well Ken what is FT5? What does it do?
FT5 is a group of professionals focused on working with small to medium size businesses. We have worked here in Hong Kong and across Asia for most of our lives. We have a deep bench of advisory board members covering a range of sectors, many retired or semi-retired C-level executives. And what we like to do is we help owners and others transform their businesses.
What does it mean “transform their businesses”?
Good question. It means different things to different people. And for good reason. You know, each project is more often than not a special situation. It might be restructuring the an organisation to solve issues with creditors and cashflow, or alternatively it could be transforming a business into a ready-state for sale, attracting buyers or investors, and then going through the sale or investment process. It could be representing management on a leveraged buyout of the business, or the disposal of a portion of an organisation to a very focused set of strategic buyers. Ultimately, it’s about bringing good people, professionals, that know exactly what they are doing to transform a business and take it in a positive direction for our clients.
What do you mean by small to medium size businesses?
Well, in our part of the world a small to medium size business can mean a business with a top line of zero to USD 2 billion. To give you an idea, we are currently working on several projects with some in the pipeline:
– the sale of a technology asset : revenues of USD 1 billion
– an MBO of an privately owned international retail brand with manufacturing operations in Asia : revenues of USD 120 million
– restructuring and capital raise for a technology infrastructure business with revenues of USD 30 million
– the disposal of a regulated hedge fund with zero revenues
So as you can see a set of very different projects and with different transformational needs.
What about industry expertise? Do you specialise in particular industries?
It doesn’t really matter. Sure, there are some areas that are extremely esoteric, and we would not venture into those where we don’t have expertise. But what we find is that very often it is the same issues and challenges that are faced regardless of the industry. And as I said earlier, we have an incredibly deep bench of expertise from a range of industries that we can tap anytime.
So it sounds great, but what’s the catch? I am guessing your fees are expensive…
No, it’s really about settling in with the client on what is value. And we like to help good people but at the same time be properly rewarded for it. We never back-end deals with fees, things should always be clear up front.
What we can offer to businesses that find themselves in special situations is a wealth of experience across Asia, an extensive network of expertise, hands on assistance in the implementation of clearly defined strategies and positive energy.
Well good luck to you and the team Ken.
Thanks Callan! Always a pleasure speaking with you!
People can find out more by calling Ken directly on +852 2548 1000 or dropping him a note at ken.chad@fintechfive.com